Recently, it has become possible to incorporate avaz attributes into reservoir characterization boerner et al, 2003. Olson, spe, jon holder, and peggy rijken, spe, the university of texas at austin. Characterization of fracture connectivity and fluid flow. This course is designed for geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers who are part of multidisciplinary teams focusing on the integrated characterization, evaluation, modeling and development of naturally fractured reservoirs nfr. Pdf integrated fractured reservoir characterization and. Fracture characterization of a reservoir is very important because the presence of fractures determines the. Seismically driven fractured reservoir characterization. A significant percentage of oil and gas reserves are trapped in fractured carbonate reservoirsmore than 60 percent of the worlds proven oil reserves and 40. Olson predicting the performance of fractured reservoirs requires characterization of fracture length, spacing, height and aperture distributions. Quantifying the fracture mechanics properties of rock for. Applications and limitations of geologic and engineering procedures and tools are discussed. Textbook series natural fractured reservoir engineering. Depending on the selection of the radial flow regime, different well and reservoir models may be possible. Natural fractured reservoir engineering phdg textbooks in preparation, intended to be issued during 2015.
Reservoir characterization and simulation modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs nfrs presents unique challenges that differentiate it. Fractured reservoirs develop in all types of volcanic rocks. It is important to establish some basic criteria for recognizing when fractures are an important element in reservoir performance and to recognize the nature and performance characteristics of a naturally fractured reservoir. Fractured reservoirs such as tight carbonates and basements set complex challenges to appraisal and development teams due to their high degree of heterogeneity and hardtopredict reservoir quality. Rijken speisrm 78207 the subcritical index can be measured in the. Fractured basement reservoir characterization for fracture distribution, porosity and permeability prediction marie lefranc. The petrophysical characterization models must correspond to the elements and their behavior of carbonated naturally fractured reservoir, reason why they are useful in the obtaining of petrophysics parameters because the exact relations between the characteristics of the rock often do not exist due to. Wayne narr is a structural geologist with interest in characterization and modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs. Reservoir characterization of fractured reservoirs in western. Reservoir characterization by double focusing gaussian beams azimuthally limited seismic acquisition aperture, which is more common in practice. Pdf the use of the dualporosity approach for the modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs has become widely accepted in the oil industry. The behavior of naturally fractured reservoirs nfrs is distinctly different from that of matrix dominant conventional reservoirs. Fractured reservoirs account for a majority of the oil production worldwide and often have low recovery rate.
It requires a thorough understanding of matrix flow characteristics, fracture network connectivity and fracture matrix interaction. Y1 1 sejong university, seoul, korea 2 ho chi minh university of technology, ho chi minh city. Discretization and gridding in reservoir simulation 2. Reservoir characterization of fractured reservoirs in. Accurate modeling of the fracture network can help in optimizing the production of the reservoir. Pdf reservoir characterization for naturally fractured reservoirs. Naturally fractured reservoirs are elusive systems to characterize and difficult to engineer and predict. The most famous is the white tiger offshore oil field in the cuu long basin in vietnam. Naturally fractured reservoir characterization seeks to confront many of these challenges by providing an introduction to the engineering and geological character of naturally fractured reservoirs. Existing reservoir characterization tools allow temperature to be measured only at the wellbore. An application of this technology and workflow is presented on. Fractured basement reservoir characterization for fracture. Castagna1 1university of houston 2schlumberger and 3delta geophysics received march 2012, revision accepted september 2012.
He held the title of senior research consultant for chevron energy technology company where he worked for 27 years on an array of international projects that included reservoir structural geology studies, consulting, technology development, training, and exploration. The use of the dualporosity approach for the modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs has become widely accepted in the oil industry. Petrophysical characterization of carbonate naturally. Characterization and modeling of naturally fractured. Introduction the development of reservoir modeling and reservoir characterization for naturally fractured reservoirs nfrs has lagged behind simpler matrix flow dominated rock. Naturally fractured naturally fractured reservoir characterizationreservoir characterization date. This involves characterization of the fracture system in terms of physical morphology, distribution, and estimation of the reservoir properties resulting from the fracture system characteristics.
Pdf integrated fractured reservoir characterization. Applied seismic anisotropy for fractured reservoir characterization asaf. Anisotropic characteristics are mainly attributed to fractures in fractured reservoirs. In standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering third edition, 2016. Seismic characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs. This course covers geologic and engineering concepts, methodology, and technology used to characterize, evaluate, and manage naturally fractured reservoirs. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. For fractured reservoirs with most or all the storage in the fracture system, recovery is generally via depletion plusminus fracture compressibility plusminus aquifer or injection water ingress. The fracture model is limited to vertical features that are aligned at a preferred orientation, which is commonly the situation in reservoir settings controlled by regional tectonic stresses. Maximizing economic recovery from naturally fractured reservoirs is a complex process.
Even when your reservoir is in fractured basement rocks, you will learn techniques that have been established through field data case histories to evaluate the reservoir, and guide the drilling program, using properly recorded and properly processed 3d reflection seismic data. E n h a n c e d o i l r e c o v e r y i n s t i t u t e a brief overview of the tensleep reservoirs in. Some of the data is available on a reservoir scale, such as the seismic data, while other data. Characterization and modeling of naturally fractured tensleep reservoirs j a n u a ry 1 8, 2 0 11, d e n v e r shaochang wo, peigui yin, scott cooper, john lorenz. Until this work, there is no quantitative methodology to fill the nfr simulator gridblocks. Naturally fractured reservoir characterization digital edition.
On the other hand, they represent some of the largest, most productive reservoirs on earth. Reservoir characterization is a collection of papers presented at the reservoir characterization technical conference, held at the westin hotelgalleria in dallas on april 29may 1, 1985. Fractured reservoir characterization using avaz on the. Fractured reservoir characterization using azimuthal avo. Applied seismic anisotropy for fractured reservoir. Fractured basement reservoirs and oil displacement. Temperaturesensitive nanosensors will enable insitu measurements within the reservoir.
Characterization of a fractured basement reservoir using high. They include reservoirs with low hydrocarbon recovery. The application of machine learning to classify seismic attributes at single sample resolution is producing results that reveal more reservoir characterization information than is available from traditional interpretation methods. The principal goals were to assess pore level controls on reservoir quality and wireline log. Fractured reservoir characterization, evaluation and modeling. Such detailed temperature information enhances the ability to infer reservoir and fracture properties and inform reservoir engineering decisions. Geologic analysis of naturally fractured reservoirs. Field examples and case studies demonstrate the importance of integrated geologic and. Seismic characterization of reservoirs with variable. In such reservoirs, fracture systems control permeability and can also control porosity. Klepacki prism seismic summary the joanne field is an upper cretaceous chalk reservoir in the uk sector of the central north sea. Proceedings, thirtythird workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering stanford university, stanford, california, january 2830, 2008 sgptr185 characterization of fracture connectivity and fluid flow pathways derived from geological interpretation and 3d modelling of the deep seated egs reservoir of soultz france. Pdf in fractured reservoirs, data directly related to fractures are scarce and 1d e.
Naturally fractured reservoirs present a production paradox. The uncertainties relating to the size of the physical structure and the fluid content of the reservoir make understanding fluid flow unpredictable. Most of the current fractured reservoir characterization rely on a qualitative description of the fractures. Accordingly, there is provided herein systems and methods of reservoir fracture characterization. Seismic reservoir characterization with machine learning. This result is extremely important because it allows for better determination of fracture information between the wells and thus a better understanding of fluid flow in the reservoir. Fracture id optimized well economics through drillbit. Fracture modeling is therefore a key development issue and requires an integrated approach from geology to reservoir simulation and well planning. Reservoir characterization for naturally fractured reservoirs.
Silica nanoparticles with dna embedded have been successfully synthesized by first adsorbing negatively charged dna molecules onto positively charged silica seeds, and then coating the particles with silica. A fractured reservoir is one in which naturally occurring fractures either have or are predicted to have a significant effect on reservoir fluid flow in the form of 1 increased reservoir permeability, 2 increased porosity, andor 3 increased permeability anisotropy. The reservoir characterization part is mostly based on the publication of ahmed ouenes. Fractured reservoir characterization and simulation. It is interesting to compare the above results with a non reservoir characterization of fractured reservoirs in western canada m. Advances and challenges in dynamic characterization of naturally. Dnaencapsulated silica nanoparticle tracers for fractured. Fractured reservoir characterisation with emphasis on carbonates. Abstract the author has worked on a number of fractured reservoirs in western canada, which show common characteristics. In naturally fractured reservoirs, the derivative tends to show several stabilizations at different levels. The reservoir lithofacies comprises mainly the middle subfacies of the effusive facies and the cryptoexplosive breccia subfacies of the. Heloise lynn the course is designed to enable you to perform professional geophysical work to evaluate fractured reservoirs andor reservoirs that require hydrofracturing to produce. They are also notorious for early gas or water breakthrough. Production performance, pressure transient responses and stimulation results are discussed.
The applied study of naturally fractured reservoirs seeks to constrain this uncertainty by developing new understanding, and is necessarily a broad, integrated, interdisciplinary topic. Conference held april 29may 1, 1985, at the westin hotelgalleria in dallas. Jakarta, indonesia a lot of case studies, practical things and exercises learn the practical aspects of reservoir characterization in naturally fractured reservoir for optimum performance. Based on this seismically driven reservoir characterization, the fractured reservoir properties could be accurately estimated in 3d. The reservoir was discovered in 1986 and has a cumulative production of 180 mbbl. In this paper, we present a combined geological, geophysical and rock mechanics approach to natural fractured reservoir characterization. Reservoir characterization and simulation modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs nfrs presents unique challenges that differentiate it from conventional. Approximately 85% of hydrocarbon production in vietnam is from fractured basement rocks 15,16. The result of reservoir characterization is the creation of the 3d sharedearth model. Min tong, in volcanic gas reservoir characterization, 2014. Naturally fractured reservoir characterization spe bookstore. Insitu multifunction nanosensors for fractured reservoir characterization mohammed alaskar, morgan ames, roland horne, kewen li, steve connor and yi cui department of energy resources engineering, stanford university 367 panama street, stanford, ca 94305, usa. It requires a thorough understanding of matrix flow characteristics, fracture network connectivity and fracturematrix interaction.
We also discuss a technique to construct permeability tensors from seismic, well log and well test analysis. Fractured reservoir characterization and performance. The dogger formation in the paris basin is a kind of fractured carbonate reservoir, and the ninecomponent surface seismic and vertical seismic profiling vsp data were acquisited in this area. The productivity and development of naturally fractured reservoirs are mainly affected by the fracture net configuration. It includes many hydrocarbon fields, among which the habban field, which produces oil from fractured basement reservoirs, is the most important. Once the origin of a fracture system has been determined in a reservoir, the petrophysical properties of the rockfracture system must be considered. Characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs requires the integration of well, geologic, engineering and seismic data. Sayers, schlumberger summary variations in reflection amplitude as a function of azimuth and incidence angle are sensitive to the presence of natural fractures. Abstract the author has worked on a number of fractured reservoirs in western canada, which show common. Information about fracture orientation, fracture spacing, and fracture compliances is essential.
Intermediateadvanced course objectives and description this course is designed for geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers who are part of. This fiveday course is designed for geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers who are part of multidisciplinary teams focusing on the integrated characterization, evaluation, modeling and development of naturally fractured reservoirs nfr. The shape and ra nge of the positive capillary pressure curve is dictated by the wettability. Schlumberger uses a unique combination of modeling and visualization techniques to. Integrated fractured reservoir characterization and simulation. The original idealized model assumes that the fracture is the primary conduit for flow, whereas the matrix acts. Quantifying the fracture mechanics properties of rock for fractured reservoir characterization jon e. This study mainly focused on the characterization of the basement reservoir using 3d poststack seismic data and well logs. Fractured reservoir characterization using vsp and surface. Pdf characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs.
Characterization of a fractured basement reservoir using. Fractured reservoirs are by nature highly heterogeneous. Their complex behaviour during production has traditionally proved difficult to predict, causing a large degree of uncertainty in reservoir development. Characterization of fractured reservoirs naturally fractured reservoirs present many challenges. In todays market, most companies rely solely on gammaray technology to characterize the formation and design a completion. Proceedings, thirtyfifth workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering stanford university, stanford, california, february, 2010 sgptr188 insitu multifunction nanosensors for fractured reservoir characterization mohammed alaskar, morgan ames, roland horne, kewen li, steve connor and yi cui. Reservoir characterization of fractured reservoirs in western canada m. Examples we consider a fractured reservoir 1 at a depth of about m in which fractures exist within a shear zone we consider an acquisition in which data are collected along an. Fracture characterization is important in building reservoir flow models for enhanced oil recovery. Insitu multifunction nanosensors for fractured reservoir. Fractured reservoir an overview sciencedirect topics. On the other hand, naturally fractured reservoir nfr characterization has not enjoyed a similar benefit from any major research effort. Thus, it would be desirable to have a reservoir fracture characterization method that accurately identifies and quantifies in a useful way the intensity and azimuth of open fracturing throughout a subsurface formation. Enhanced oil recovery in fractured reservoirs 91 capillary pressure curve, or more accurately, the positive part of the imbibition capillary pressure curve.
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